duminică, februarie 04, 2007

Misiunea si Trinitatea

Ma apropii de finalul lucrarii de masterat. In sfarsit! Misiunea este motorul care m-a dus pana aici, era muntele meu ascuns - explorarea mea personala care merita o viata intreaga. Cu toate acestea, odata ajuns acolo realizez ca mai este ceva - un mai mare mister, comoara ascunsa: Trinitatea. Grundem spunea: "God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God."

Odata cu Willingen 1952 misiunea a descoperit focusul ei trinitarian: misiunea nu este a noastra, nu este ceva ce as putea sa fac eu pentru Dumnezeu, ci este a lui Dumnezeu si doar a lui Dumnezeu. Oamenii sunt chemati de catre acest Dumnezeu triunic intr-o realtie de dragoste cu El. John Piper descria aceasta ca: "within the triune Godhead (Father, Son, and holy Spirit), God has been uppermost in His own affections for all eternity. Therefore, God has been supremely happy in the fellowship of the trinity." (Desiring God, p.33).

Sunt incantat de 'afundarea' mea in Trintate: relatie, perichoresis si dragoste. Este asa de importanta... “To know this God, who both condescends to share all that we are and makes us share in all that He is in Jesus Christ, is to be lifted up in His Spirit to share in God’s own self-knowing and self-loving until we are enabled to apprehend Him in some real measure in Himself beyond anything that we are capable of in ourselves. It is to be lifted out of ourselves, as it were, into God, until we know Him and love Him and enjoy Him in His eternal Reality as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in such a way that the Trinity enters into the fundamental fabric of our thinking of Him and constitutes the basic grammar of our worship and knowledge of the One God”(Thomas F. Torrance, The Ground and Grammar of Theology, 155).

Doamne, ajuta-ma sa inteleg tot ce pot intelege din Trintate... probabil ca va ramane un mister pana la urma... dar... ajuta-ma...